
Brute force – Application brute force DDoS – Application layer DDoS, floods with distbueted Vul hunting – any vulenrabilties rlated. XSS, SQLi, Full CAV bundle – includes all the main families above.
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Application Common Attack Vectors (A-CAV)

Server Side Attacks – RequestHTTP Response SplittingInformation LeakageError messages dispalySession and cookiesCredential/Session PredictionNon-HttpOnly Session CookieUnsecured Session CookieInsufficient Session ExpirationSession FixationPersistent Session CookieServer Side Attacks – ResponseHTTP Response SplittingInformation LeakageError messages dispalySession and cookiesCredential/Session PredictionNon-HttpOnly Session CookieUnsecured Session CookieInsufficient Session ExpirationSession FixationPersistent Session CookieWeb Expolit – Request Directory TraversalPath TraversalBuffer OverflowSQL InjectionImproper Input HandlingServer MisconfigurationOS Command…
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•PE = traps to catch the attack Traffic footprint – elements of the rule – S/A/R/CI •Rule = combination  of PE to find and prevent a known footprint of attack •Policy = Set of Rules – rule sets
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Web Security evaluation

 Evaluations:Evaluation provide a way to measure the hard work you invest in securing your web application asses  by reflecting the security level that indicated the your ability to overcome security incidents 
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 Part 0 intro  – Web economy

Web applications are the ultimate free market to sell any goods, it is also open 24/7/365 for hacking The web application ecosystem  Web applications change the world and create the web application economy revolution where any one with a good idea can build a web application to provides products or services and monetize with end…
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WAF types

 location mangment WAF type Screening WAF on perm / cloud / fully manageservice Perimeter WAF on perm / cloud / self manage monolity / microservices Mesh WAF on perm / cloud / self manage microservices 
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WAF Workshop FAQ

WAF have many considerations throughout its life cycle. Getting your WAF to good enough security requires a solid review of Assents, Implementations and Response (AIR model) Workshops are small chunks of process that should be done when managing security deviceWorkshop is not a training. It is a hands-on workshop that is done with the customer.The…
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WAF Vendor List

•According to Gartner, it is predicted that 80% of enterprises will have migrated away from traditional data centers and into the cloud within the next five years. With the ever-increasing adoption rate of web-based applications and API’s comes more security risks.The challenge with traditional Web Application Firewall (WAP) protection is that it cannot scale with…
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