WAF Testing
Plans and Pricing

WAF Testing -Plans & Pricing

$0per month
  • 1 project
  • 1 user
  • 200 tasks
  • No support
$50per month
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Premium support
Plan  / Application Attack Brute Force DDoS Vulnerability Hunting Full CAV Testing
Scan only 500$ 500$ 1000$ 1800$
Scan & Report 1500$ 1500$ 4000$ 6500$
Scan Report & Analysis 2500$ 2500$ 6000$ 10000$
$0per month
  • 1 project
  • 1 user
  • 200 tasks
  • No support
$50per month
  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited tasks
  • Premium support

WAF Plans Details

Scan only Scan & Report Scan Report & Analysis
Scan V V V
Scheduled scan V V V
Report V V
Policy scoring V V
Voice chat V
Follow-up V
Extra services V

Get a quote

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Terms and Conditions

  • Prices are US dollars
  • Only approved customer can purchase services
  • “I am allowed to scan the WAF” statement is needed
  • No harm testing must be agreed 
  • Scanning is Per policy (FQDN)
  • Plans and Pricing for Calendar Quarter #3  2021
  • Advance and premium services are available for existing customers.
  • Payment done before scan
  • Free evaluation is POC
  • More information here 


Brute force – Application brute force

DDoS – Application layer DDoS, floods with distbueted

Vul hunting – any vulenrabilties rlated. XSS, SQLi,

Full CAV bundel – includes all the main familes above.