Web App Firewall (WAF)

WAF is the ultimate security solution for Detecting and Mitigating attacks against web application. With proper configuration and solid process most Web Application Attacks can be prevented.


We evaluate your WAF security so that you can better prevent the next attack.

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WAF Security Testing

Testing WAF policy capabilities to detect and prevent common attack vectors

WAF Policy Testing

WAF scan provide a clear picture of your current policy strength and weakness. Understanding the security level that your policy has is critical to successful detection and mitigation of web application common attack vector.

Get your WAF ready for the next automated attack!

WAF testing improves your overall security:

Focusing on fast mitigation for known attacks – vital few policy

Refining WAF policy to reduce to overhead of managing false positives.

Customizing the policy to the needs and security effort you can sustain.

WAF Policy Testing

Testing for common attack vectors detection is the minimum WAF requirements that should reflect your WAF security value  on any web application.

  • App Brute Force (popular)
  • App DoS/DDoS
  • Vulnerability Hunting
  • Bot/BotNet

Any WAF Testing

No matter which WAF type and where it resides, our unique WAF everywhere testing methodology have all the right test plans.

  • All Types
  • All Vendors
  • All Locations

WAF Workshops

Expert level hands on walkthrough for getting your WAF to the next level

WAF Workshops Types

Workshops are hands on knowledge sharing interactions dedicated for getting your WAF to the value zone where it can detect and prevent attacks.

WAF Workshops are agile, focus, with a clear achievable goals which are them embedded in your organization

Evaluating WAF security throughout the WAF life cycle


Choosing the right WAF for your environment is a key point in the security strategy for any company.

Making sure you get what you need using out unique WAF Security requirement document (WAF SRD)


Implementing the right WAF policy for your organization and application determines the effectiveness level of tackling attacks.

Stable policy security testing is the best approach to understand how well your WAF policy can actually prevent attack and consider to be part of security incident response readiness.

Response (popular)

The crown jewel of every security solution. Security Incident Response (SIR) is where the value of the investment on security solution pays off.

Tackling attacks in a structure solid  and yet repeatable approach is the key for a high rate of a SIR win.

All workshops are full documented solution.

  • Process
  • Procedure
  • Guidelines

Embed once, use many times.

by Defensive Security Management Methodology – DSMM